The Phoenicians an almost forgotten people - Phoenicians in the bible

The Phoenicians an almost forgotten people

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How are you all?. We hope you guys doing good today. We seen more empire history, pandemic history, rivalry history but today we are here to talk about the Phoenicians an almost forgotten people.

Phoenicians there is very less number people know about them. Because the Phoenicians are forgotten people. But still there is few of them may know about the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians an almost forgotten people so we here to talk about them. 

Before we discuss about The Phoenicians people. We discuss about pre-introduction to the Phoenicians an almost forgotten people. We also discuss in detail about Phoenicians in the bible.  

Map of Phoenician empire 

The Phoenicians an almost forgotten people - Phoenicians in the bible-map of phoenician empire

Actually, every ancient civilization has its flair in historical ingenuity that modern people still find fascinating. This Americans invented some of the first written languages in allegedly invented the wheel.

That's still a great debate, the Greeks started democracy and they created the Olympics. The roman are known for their great feats of engineering. They built aqueducts roads, bridges and well. You get the picture. 

Today we know about their civilizations because they left indelible marks and how we made our modern societies. We look back on history. You can name quite a few ancient civilizations because they're still relevant and temporary settings their impacts on government writing and cultural trends are part of our everyday society. 

But what about the Phoenicians?: an almost forgotten people 

The Phoenicians an almost forgotten people - Phoenicians in the bible

You might not have heard of them, but there many contributions are just as essential for us, as other bygone civilizations, from around 150 BCE to 300 BCE. The Phoenician empire had a significant civilization built primarily on shipping too right throughout the Mediterranean. The established coastline cities that allow their people to have a rich, enterprising maritime trade culture.

They created waterways of business for many of the civilizations at the time, making it possible for someone from Greece or Rome to communicate and trade with people as far away as Britain, the Phoenicians didn't have a central line as location for their government.

Perhaps the city state of tire came closest to their stamp list authority as an alternative. Like many inch, it really empowers the established independent city states, a single city with surrounding dependent territories along the Mediterranean, see they use strategic city settings that allowed them a stronghold for maritime trade routes. Lebanon, Syria, in most of northern Israel, as we know them today, grew out of the physician city states.   

In the ancient city state of tire is considered the most prominent finish, an establishment with over thirty thousand citizens that, at it's height of power, the nation's weren't, interested in metal crafts reading in schools or art, unless it had something to do with ship building, their entire society grew around their understanding of the Mediterranean sea.

That means that, if you wanted to set up a trade route over water in 1550 BCE, you had to use been nation ships to all your goods, because their homelands had rug it and virtually impassable overland topography with narrow mountainous strips of impenetrable terrain. They had no choice but to use see passages as a means to go around the rocky peninsula. Venetian ship building was legendary even for the Greeks.

The neighbors praised their Semenship and writers like corroded and homer scribe their admiration for finishing sailing bus. The ship builders created battering rams on bumps and invented the keel bottom most longitudinal structure of most shifts they created clock specifically designed to seal, would plane calls and keep out seawater. 

  According to his Syrian relief carvings, even passages in the book of Ezekiel in the bible, we know the Phoenicians design the perfect vessel for the right reasons. They had three major ship types, each particular functions for their trade routes.

All Phoenician vessels had shallow kills, they used ores and mess did square sails. Each ship had decks and brands and the bio they built warships case. Pirates wanted to raid their cargo ships. Cargo ships had big bellied holes, allowing for maximum capacity for free.

These ships had reinforced holes in convex Stearns and they had capacities upwards of four hundred fifty tons. Sometimes, cargo fleets had over fifty boats, escorted by the warships.

The third design was a smaller version of the cargo vessel with a horse head in a single bank of oars. It was primarily used for short trips and some fishing excursions. It wasn't just traveling between settlements that made their ships impressive.

It was the craftsmanship that went into the cargo vessels Phoenician ship builders understood to make the most of any trip they had to design vessels that not only negotiated round the mountains coastlines, but it also had to carry a lot of stuff to make it work the trip the mission, cargo vessels hold anything and everything from people to pottery, precious metals and ingots of counter to one of their most famous inventions, we'll get to that in a bit.

The nations build world class cargo ships, but they didn't use navigation instruments. Instead, they use the iconic coastline, markers and natural features for navigational points. Their boats were as durable as their sailors, who used the stars and dead reckoning for finding their way to the next trading post.

Eventually, sailors adopted important nautical inventions to allow them further their avenues for trade, the Phoenician it's became so proficient at sale. They began expanding their trade routes beyond the safety of traditional Mediterranean demigod before their Civiliation dissolved.

The Phoenicians took their hearty vessels beyond the pillars of Hercules strait of Gibraltar and breached the Atlantic ocean even got as far as Britain and mess up the team see seaports. It was the Phoenician trade routes that established their prominence throughout the civilized world at the time for nearly twelve hundred fifty years, the Phoenicians thrive as a significant part of the bronze age. They had it all the ships, the best sailors, trade routes and shipping anything and everything to the neighboring people.

So what happened?

The Phoenicians an almost forgotten people - Phoenicians in the bible

The Phoenicians went without major shipping competition for a long time. Sometimes, when more prominent societies think there's a better way of doing things, they adopt the customs or they take it all by force the Phoenicians rained in the Mediterranean and not because they lacked a commodity, but because they were sailors, traders and not born conquers.

The beginning of the end of the missions happened when a guy with a big ego and a lot of time on his hands, decided to march his troops into the cities of sight and biblical in three thirty, two bc that men was alexander.

The great both city states were stabbed least by Phoenicia and submitted peacefully to alexander's demands when he eventually took his troops to the city of Tyre. That's when the Phoenician leaders decided they weren't interested in alexander's, offer a sacrifice: entire holy temple of milk, according to finish and religious practices.

Outsiders weren't allowed to give sacrificial tributes to tire gods being a reasonable diplomat. One understood the importance of having allies. In troubling times, alexander sent an envoy into the walled city to negotiate some sensibility when it came to religious rights in submission to them.

Monday, conquer local government officials of tire wanted no part of alexander's on void for negotiating a surrender. They send a bold message to alexander the great by slaughtering his representatives and throwing their bodies over the city wall since alexander the great wasn't one to take no for an answer. He decided to make an exam apple of the mighty city holding thirty thousand residents. He ordered the siege of Tyre his troops erected.

A causeway built of debris fell trees and city ruins to breach tire stronghold after seven months, alexander, the great finally made it into the city proper immediately. He parlayed, with the wealthiest of the citizens for their passage out of the venetian city with their lives minus the catch.

The rest of the people were massacred war forced into slavery, wants tire fell to alexander other than nation city states submitted to his rule. The Phoenician civilization ended in the hell it mister gage began by sixty-four bc. Anything left of the original finishes city states was annexed in turned into the colonies for the roman empire.

So what was it about?

The Phoenicians an almost forgotten people - Phoenicians in the bible

The predatory sea snails that was so important to the Phoenicians around 1570 BCE, while boiling a species of Mediterranean rocks nails, name mirrors. They found the snail secreted of the purple dye. The color today is called teary in purple and even in ancient times it was highly prized.

Venetian purple wasn't easy to make. It took substantial harvest and tens of thousands of snails to man. I'm imperial die for the intense labor in the incomparable in dazzling richness of the purple color.

It became highly sought after the Phoenicians used their maritime trading routes to network the fabric dye. If was controlled because everyone wanted a piece of the action different marine gastro pods gave up there. Creation is a purple, but it was the year rex that gave off the treasure purple hue.

At one point, during the height of snail harvest in guy manufacturing, fourth century historian feel pompous and purple for dies. Fetched it's weight in silver is something to be said about aggressive sea snails and the color purple is at least one contemporary singer song, the writer who owes a lot to purple without it who would we be. We hope you guys loved our work on the Phoenicians an almost forgotten people and Phoenicians in the bible.

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